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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

[Site Fwd] A Korean father residing in Japan asks Japanese societies to consider

* Site informed by Anatakara.com on Dec. 21, 2009

* Against the racism in Kyoto, at a school gate on Dec 4, 2009 (Informed at the Ten Thousand Things), of which the site of the similar contents to it were introduced as below, the Japanese citizens and Japanese residents overseas, and concerned International citizens have spread the news and protested against it. Beside the site forwarded below, The Peace Philosophy and Ten Thousand Things also have helped to spread the news on the tragic Dec. 4 event and activists’ meeting on Dec. 19, 2009. See here. The Korean media, Tongil News also informed 12.19 Emergency Report Meeting: Do not allow racial discrimination - Kyoto Korean school incident." See here. With the details and photos of the speakers. Akira Maeda (site Informed by the Ten Thousand Things), a law professor of Tokyo Zokei University was introduced in the article. Thanks very much, friends in the sites of Anatakara, Peace Philosophy and Ten Thousand Things! We, Koreans should more aware of our own racism against the migrant workers, here.



"arbitrary translation of an urgent email soon after this violence

   A Korean father residing in Japan asks Japanese societies to consider :
          What a society with the good sense would be like


 Dear readers of this email of mine,


 I am Kim, a parent with two children attending a Korean primary school in Kyoto.


 Some of Japanese citizens may know that there was a scary commotion just in front of the
school main gate on Dec.4th by some Japanese racists belonging to a certain group whose
name I never dare to say, feeling horrendous disgust towards a mere mentioning of it.

http://d.hatena.ne.jp/video/youtube/2szx-WWR0rw (English subtitle by someone anonymous

"Zai・toku・kai" is a right-winger group
against the planned measure under
discussion by the ruling coalition
of giving electoral rights at a local election level to foreign residents in Japan.


 Never in my life have I felt more angered and vexed.

 学校の前で子どもたちに聞こえるように“スパイの子どもたち!”“朝鮮学校を日本からたたきだせ!”などと 人として信じられない暴言を拡声器の爆音をもって騒ぎ立てました。

 Those racists shouted at the top of their voices even with the use of a loud speaker, “ You, Children of Spies! “ “ Bounce Korean schools out of Japan!,”with a clear intention of making themselves heard by the schoolchildren inside.


 Many children were so scared that some even wept with fear.

 It was not towards the specific racist group that I felt most anger and vexation.


 A Korean proverb goes, ‘ we shun away shit not because it is fearful but because it is filthy.’ It is “ the principle and conscience of this society “ which overlooks this kind of violence that I do feel I cannot tolerate.


 On that day, despite the scare children had, the local police did not dare to put the racists under control, justifying their position as “neutral.” The police simply refrained from prohibiting the bunch from shouting at the front gate with a loudspeaker directed at it.


 Was that the freedom of speech?  I felt so devastated, thinking that laws and police would not protect our children in this society.


 Their violence got escalated from the verbal abuse of condemning as ‘illegal monopoly’ the use by the school—as the playground or for morning school assemblies—of the adjacent local public playground for free use, to moving around the goal post for footbool games which locals use as well, to cutting of the cable of the announcing speaker installed for the safety of local children who use the playground and finally to throwing the cable with the stand at the front gate.

 Weren't these deeds all so-called ‘ damage to property,’thus constituting a crime? Did these racists have the right to compulsory executions, as they said, on behalf of the police?

 子どもたちがおびえ、泣いているのに脅迫罪ではないのですか?そこにいる個人や団体を誹謗中傷し 侮辱罪ではないのですか?

 Did'nt their deeds of threatening children constitute the crime of duress, even though the scared minors were crying inside? Was it not the crime of insult for them to shout baseless slanders and verbal abuses towards the individuals and the group of people nearby?


 Were their deeds permissible in this society because Japan has not signed to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination? (*)


 Terrified parents, on hearing about this situation, rushed to the school and asked, till their voices got hoarse, the police officers on the spot to put the racists under control, to no help and response from them.

 私は学校に駆けつける前に、某大学で人権教育の招かれ、“人権とこどもの学ぶ権利”を物知り顔で 語っていました。このときほど“人権と子どもの学ぶ権利”が虚しく聞こえたときはありません。

 Before rushing to the school, I had been at a certain university for an invited lecture on education of human rights, knowingly talking to the audience about the human rights and the rights of children to study. But soon after I heard about the incident at the school, I myself felt so hollow about my lecture theme—the emptiest moment in my long belief in it.


 I would like to question the good sense of Japanese society, for I consider this not the simple matter of the violence by racists groups, but the matter of the society itself which tends to tolerate them.


 Surely these racist groups are only a small portion of Japanese population.
 Some may want to say to us, “ Not all Japanese are racists. Believe us.”
 In such a sense, some conscientious Japanese may have felt pains due to this incident as well, but that is not essential to my question.


 What happened on that day implies it is permissible in this society.


 Now is the time for the threatened to question ‘ the good sense of Japanese society.’


 So far, we, Korean residents in Japan have endured a lot of vexations and insults, but enough is enough.  Would we have to bear another such humiliation, standing at the front gate of the school, with our teeth clenched, shedding tears out of our mortified prides as decent human beings, thinking we have to bear this endlessly?

 正直なところ、今回子どもたちに“守ってやれなくて申し訳ない”との考えが頭を離れず夜も悔しくて 眠れませんでした。

 Honestly, I have had some sleepless nights, never getting rid of the regret and pity, towards our children, that we “could not protect them” on that day.


 How would our long-passed away ancestors and the first generation of Korean residents feel in the heaven to have seen that violence down here.  They would be in grief and pains to have known that not only their children and grandchildren but also their great-grandchildren suffer such humiliation.


Thank you for your attention to my lengthy email.
 I would like Japanese people to consider what a society with the good sense would be like, so that this kind of situation will never happen here.


 (* 日本は1995年に加盟したが、拘束力のある法を制定していないので、勧告をうけている。
 Japan signed to this convention in 1995, but has not set up any effective laws on this,
 thus receiving suggestions by the UN relating committee. )"

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