'저는 그들의 땅을 지키기 위하여 싸웠던 인디안들의 이야기를 기억합니다. 백인들이 그들의 신성한 숲에 도로를 만들기 위하여 나무들을 잘랐습니다. 매일밤 인디안들이 나가서 백인들이 만든 그 길을 해체하면 그 다음 날 백인들이 와서 도로를 다시 짓곤 했습니다. 한동안 그 것이 반복되었습니다. 그러던 어느날, 숲에서 가장 큰 나무가 백인들이 일할 동안 그들 머리 위로 떨어져 말과 마차들을 파괴하고 그들 중 몇몇을 죽였습니다. 그러자 백인들은 떠났고 결코 다시 오지 않았습니다….' (브루스 개그논)

For any updates on the struggle against the Jeju naval base, please go to savejejunow.org and facebook no naval base on Jeju. The facebook provides latest updates.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

[Jeju Update] [Translation] The Naval Base Budget Rejected [Last year] Was Compiled Again? Why?

* See the latest blog on the Jeju naval base issue:

[Translation] Memorandum of Understanding on the Naval Base (April 27, 2009)
2009년 4월 27일 해군 기지 기본 협약서 번역

* See the related blogs:

[Jeju Update] [Translation of the Statement] Press Interview on the [July 15] Court Judgment By the Opponent Groups against the Naval Base (July 15, 2010)

[Jeju Update] The Island Government and Council agree to hold the policy consultation meeting regarding the naval base issue (July 13, 2010)

[Jeju Update] Gangjeong Villagers Have the Talk Meeting with the New Seogwipo Mayor (July 9, 2010)

[Jeju Update][Translation] The New Jeju Island Governor Woo Promises the Objective Settlement of the Naval Base Issue (July 8, 2010)


* See all the blogs on the Jeju naval base issue (160 on the date of July 25, 2010)

▲ 제주특별자치도의 제1회 추가경정예산안 세부사업 설명서에 기재된 해군기지 관련 예산. (미디어제주)

▲ Naval base related budget mentioned in the explanatory note in the 1st revised supplementary budget draft by the Jeju Special Self-Governing Island. (Media jeju)

미디어 제주 Media Jeju

퇴짜 맞았던 해군기지 사업비 또 편성, "왜?"
[초점] 민선 5기 도정 첫 추경안, 해군기지 사업비 편성 '논란'
'테마공원' 예산 또 편성...해군기지 홍보목적 '그린홈' 예산도 반영

The Naval Base Budget Rejected [Last year] Was Compiled Again? Why?
[Focus] ‘Controversy’ on the Compilation of the Budget for the Naval base, in the 1st Revised Supplementary Budget Draft of the 5th Civilian-Elected Island Government : Budget for the ‘Theme Park’ Was Compiled Again... while the Budget for the “Green Home’ for the Purpose of the Information on the Naval Base Was Reflected, also.

2010년 07월 23일 (금) 17:07:31

Friday, July 23, 2010

윤철수 기자(media (at) mediajeju.com)

Yoon Chul-Soo, Reporter (media (at) mediajeju.com)

주특별자치도가 민선 5기 출범 후 처음으로 편성한 올해 제1차 추가경정예산안에 서귀포시 강정마을 해군기지 관련 예산을 또다시 반영시킨 것으로 확인돼 논란이 예상된다.

Controversy is expected as the Jeju Special-Governing Island has again reflected the naval base related budget for the Gangjeong village, City of Seogwipo, in its 1st revised supplementary budget draft this year, which was compiled for the first time since its launch of the 5th civilian-elected government [in the beginning of July].

제주자치도가 도의회에 제출한 제1회 추경안의 항목별 예산을 보면, 민간자본보조 강정그린홈 보급사업에 13억8990만원(지방비 6억9495만원, 국비 6억9495만원), 그리고 강정마을 농어촌 테마공원 조성사업에 15억원(지방비) 등이 포함돼 있다.

Looking at the items of the 1st revised supplementary budget draft that the Jeju Self-Governing Island has submitted to the Island Assembly, it includes 1,389,900,000 won (local budget 694,950,000 won + national budget 694,950,000 won) [about $1,160,000: local budget $ 580,000 + $ 580,000] for the Gangjeong Green Home replenishment business supported by civilian capital; and 1.5billion won (local cost) [about $ 1. 3 billion]for the farming & fishing village theme park formation business in the Gangjeong village.

이 외에도 강정마을 관련 도로건설 사업에도 예산이 반영됐다.

Beside it, budget was reflected in the Gangjeong village related road construction business, too.

이 예산들은 모두 제주해군기지와 관련된 사업으로, 제주자치도는 지난해 연말 도의회에 제출한 올해 당초예산에서도 해군기지 관련 사업비를 대거 편성했다가 도의회 심의과정에서 철퇴를 맞은 바 있다.

These budgets are all related to the Jeju naval base business, and the Jeju Self-Governing Island has been rejected of its this year’s outset budget that it submitted to the Island Council at the end of last year and in which it largely compiled the budget related to the naval base business.

#당초 예산 전액 삭감 테마공원 조성사업비, 또 편성

# Budget for the formation of the theme park that had been all curtailed in the Outset was again compiled.

그런데, 강정마을 농어촌 테마공원 조성사업 예산은 지난해 말 도의회 심의과정에서 전액 삭감된 사업 중 하나다.

And the budget for the formation on the farming & fishing village theme park of the Gangjeong village is one of the undertakings of which all of it has been curtailed during the review process in the Island Council at the end of last year.

제주자치도는 예산설명서를 통해 민군 복합관광미항 건설에 따른 지원사업으로, 강정마을 일대에 총사업비 250억원(국비 125억원, 지방비 125억원)을 들여 해양생태관광을 활성화하기 위한 어촌비지니스 모델인 테마공원을 조성하기 위함이라고 설명했다.

The Jeju Self-Governing Island explained through its budget explanatory note that it was for the support undertaking following the construction of the civilian-military complex beauty tour harbor, and it was for the construction of the theme park as a fishing village business model that is to vitalize the maritime ecology tour in the area of the Gangjeong village, with the total business cost of 25billion won (national cost 12.5billion won and local cost 12.5billion won)[21.6million$, national cost 10.8million $, local cost 10.8million $]

투자규모가 250억원에 달함에도 불구하고, 투융자 심사 대상에서는 제외됐다.

Even though its investment scale reaches to 25 billion won[ 21.6million $], it has been excluded from the review objects of the loans and investments.

올해 당초 예산에 국비가 15억원 반영됐기 때문에 이번 제1회 추경에서는 지방비 15억원을 편성했고, 내년에도 국비와 지방비 각 10억원, 그리고 2014년까지 국비와 지방비 각 100억원을 추가로 편성한다는 계획이다.

The plan is since the national cost of 1.5billion won was reflected in the outset budget this year, [the Island] has compiled the local budget of 1.5billion won in the 1st revised supplementary budget this time; it would compile the 10billion won each for the national cost and local cost; and it would additionally compile the 10billion won for the national cost and local cost each by 2014.

제주자치도는 지난 4월2일 이 사업에 대한 기본계획 용역이 착수돼 10월 용역보고서가 나오면 12월쯤 실시설계에 착수하고, 내년부터 2014년까지 사업을 추진할 계획인 것으로 알려졌다.

It was known that the Jeju Self-Governing Island would set up the carrying-out plan around this December once the report on the service comes out around this October, and it would drive for the business from next year to 2014, as the basic plan service on that undertaking was set-up on last April 2.

#강정그린홈 보급사업 기대효과엔 "해군기지 건설 주민 이해증진"

# [The Island] explains on the expectation effect of the replenishment business of the Gangjeong Green Home, that it is for the “ promotion of the villagers’ interest regarding the naval base construction.”

두번째 강정그린홈 보급사업의 경우 예산편성의 근거를 민군 복합형 관광미항 건설과 관련한 기본협약서를 들고 있다.

Second, in case of the replenishment business of the Gangjeong Green Home, it mentions the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) related to the construction of the civilian-military complex beauty harbor for tour, as the base for the compilation of the budget.

이 사업은 주민들의 에너지 비용을 절감시키고 신.재생에너지 보급 확대로 에너지 자급률을 제고시키는 것을 목적으로 해 올 연말까지 강정동 65가구에 195kW 규모의 주택용 태양광발전시설을 하는 것을 주 내용으로 한다.

Its main content is, aiming the curtailment of the villagers’ energy cost and the promotion of the villagers’ energy self-sufficiency degree with the supply expansion of the new & recycling energy, to build the 195kW scale of the solar energy for residence usage in the 65 households of the Gangjeong-dong.

제주자치도는 지난 4월 국비지원대상으로 확정돼 이번에 추경에 반영했다고 설명했다.

The Jeju Self-Governing Island explained that it was decided as the item of the national cost support last April therefore the Island reflected it in the revised supplementary budget this time.

얼핏보면 신재생에너지 보급 차원에서 이뤄지는 것 같지만, 예산설명서의 '기대효과' 란에서는 "해군기지 건설에 대한 주민의 이해증진", "해군기지를 방문하는 관광객 등에게 강정마을의 청정이미지 제고"를 기재하고 있다.

Even though it looks like it is for the purpose of the new & recycling energy supply in a glance, the Island states that it is for the “promotion for the villagers’ understanding on the naval base construction,” and “ improvement on the clean image of the Gangjeong village for the tourists who visit the naval base,” in the clause of the ‘expectation effect’ in the budget explanatory note.

즉, 해군기지 건설의 당위성을 강조하는 한편 주민들을 설득시킬 목적이 내포돼 있음을 알리는 것이다.

To say again, while it is to emphasize the ‘should-be-done’ of the naval base, it is to inform that there is the intention of the purpose to persuade the villagers.

#해군기지 사업비 편성, 모처럼 조성된 '대화 국면' 경색시킬 우려

# Concern is raised that the compilation for the naval base business budget would deadlock the ‘dialogue phase’ that has been formed at long last

이러한 해군기지 예산편성은 민선 5기 도정이 출범한 후 "주민의 편에 선 문제해결"과 "해군기지 공사 중지명령" 등으로 모처럼 대화의 물꼬가 튼 강정마을 주민들과 제주도당국의 관계를 또다시 경색되게 하는 요인으로 작용할 것으로 보인다.

Such budget compilation of the naval base seems that it would work out as the element of the deadlock again the relationship between the Gangjeong villagers and Jeju Island authority who have made the breakthrough for the dialogue at long last after the words of “settlement of the issue from the side of the villagers,” and “ order to suspend the construction for the naval base,” by the 5th civilian-elected Island government since its launch [in the beginning of July].

벌써부터 도의회 내부에서는 당초 예산 심의과정에서 삭감된 사업비를 다시 반영한 것을 두고 이해할 수 없다는 반응을 보이고 있다.

Already inside the Island Council, some members express their response that they cannot understand why the Island government has again reflected the business budget that has been curtailed during the review process of the outset budget.

모 의원은 "작년 연말 도의회 예결위에서 충분히 논의한 후 도민정서를 감안해 관련 사업비를 전액 삭감시켰는데, 새로운 도정이 출범한지 얼마되지 않아 또다시 이 예산서를 들이미는 것은 이해가 되지 않는다"고 말했다.

A Council member told that, “ While the budget settlement committee of the Island council has curtailed all the [naval base] related budget last year, , after enough discussion, considering the sentiment of Island people, it is hardly understandable that the new Island government submit the [same] budget draft again not long after its launch.

그는 "현 상황은 행정과 주민간의 갈등관계가 다소 완화되기는 했으나, 뚜렷하게 달라진 것은 하나도 없다"면서 "그럼에도 그린홈 보급사업의 목적을 해군기지 건설의 당위성을 홍보하기 위한 것으로 적시하면서 예산서를 제출한 것은 사업추진 배경을 의심케 한다"고 말했다.

Saying, “ In the current situation, even though the conflict relationship between the administration and the villagers has rather mitigated, nothing has been remarkably changed,” he told that, “Despite that, the [new] Island government submitted its budget report, mentioning the purpose of the Green Home promotion business for informing the should-be-done of the construction of the naval base and I cannot but suspect the background behind the drive for the business.”

제주특별자치도의회는 오는 27일 제273회 임시회를 열고 제주도가 제출한 제1회 추가경정예산안을 심사할 예정인 가운데, 이 해군기지 관련 사업비를 놓고 많은 논란이 예상된다.

While the Jeju Special Self-Governing Island plans to review the 1st revised supplementary draft that the Jeju island government submitted, in its 273rd temporary meeting on coming 27, it is expected there would be much controversy on the budget related to the naval base.

<윤철수 기자 / 저작권자 ⓒ 미디어제주 무단전재및 재배포 금지>

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