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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Text Fwd: [MIKE WHITNEY] The Korean War, Round Two [마이크 휘트니] 한국 전쟁 라운드 2

* Text informed from Steve Zeltzer on Dec. 11, 2010

Games of Provocation
The Korean War, Round Two
Weekend Edition
December 10 - 12, 2010

The Obama administration is playing a dangerous game of chicken on the Korean peninsula and it could end in war. North Korea responded to provocative joint military operations between the US and South Korea off its coast by shelling nearby Yeonpyeong Island which lies in disputed waters. The North's artillery attack killed four and left many others wounded. US and South Korean officials have vehemently condemned the attack and promised to retaliate to any similar incident in the future.

The media have helped to inflame passions and demanding "payback". Propaganda fliers have been spread across the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), some of them reaching as far north as Pyongyang. According to the Korea JoongAng Daily an official from the South Korean Ministry of National Defense said "the South is prepared to broadcast propaganda along the DMZ and that the ministry is “weighing the timing.”...Loudspeakers are already installed in 11 areas along the DMZ for further propaganda attacks." ("Propaganda war escalates; use of loudspeakers mulled", Korea JoongAng Daily)

Journalist Gregory Elich explains the details surrounding the incident in an article on Counterpunch titled "Menacing North Korea":

"In response to the South Korean announcement of an impending artillery drill, North Korea telephoned the South Korean military on the morning of November 23, urging them to cancel plans to fire shells into what the North regarded as its territorial waters. The North warned that if the drill proceeded, they would respond with a "resolute physical counter-strike."

Nevertheless, the artillery drill proceeded and four hours later, North Korean artillery fired on the island. In the first round, 150 shells were shot, of which 60 hit the island. Then 20 more shells were fired in a second round. In all, four people on the island were killed and 18 wounded."

The US/South Korea war games are a deliberate provocation, no different than if China or Russia sent an armada to conduct operations 3 miles off Cape Cod. Even so, the White House is using the incident to put pressure China to coerce the North into acceding to US diktats. So far, China has played a constructive role by calling for 6 party talks, but that hasn't placated the Obama administration. What Washington wants is regime change, and it's tightened sanctions and increased its saber rattling to achieve its goal. Here's more from the Korea JoongAng Daily which lays out the US plan for escalation:

"The heads of the U.S. and South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff agreed to change defenses against North Korean attacks yesterday, with South Korea getting a leading role in immediate retaliations and the Americans pledging support.

The agreement was made as Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, made an unexpected visit to Seoul yesterday to reaffirm America’s commitment to its alliance with South Korea. Mullen spoke with his South Korean counterpart, Han Min-koo, about North Korea early yesterday.

“North Korea’s attacks are getting bolder and bolder,” said Han. “If they choose to strike again they will be punished severely, and North Korea will pay a big price.” ("U.S. top brass discusses new retaliation strategy",Korea JoongAng Daily)


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